The Handheld CNC Router cuts!

Your Favorite Handheld CNC Router Starts Cutting

The Handheld CNC Router cuts!

The long awaited evolution…


It’s been a wild couple months for me having just moved and started a new job, but I’m glad to finally be on the Handheld CNC Router grind again! Super excited to share some of the latest updates on this handy tool.

First off, as you can see by the title (and that fun little gif), the router is now cutting! I’ve been wanting to tear apart some poor stock material ever since starting this project, but in between graduating, Opensauce, and Maker Faire I hadn’t had the chance…until about three weeks ago. I started with cork board as an easy intro for the router, and it cut like butter! Just bought some wood and MDF to test in the next few days, so keep your eyes peeled for more gifs to come. I might graduate to YouTube videos at some point, but for now here’s another gif of a different pattern:

Second off, your favorite Handheld CNC Router is beginning to multiply! She’ll have a sibling or two in the near future. My co-conspirator has printed all the parts, so once the sensors arrive we’ll be able to put together a new machine. This assembly process will help a lot with getting the instructions nailed down for future build kits. The ability for remote development will also be tremendous, allowing us to squash bugs at double the speed.

Plans for the Future

Speaking of future build kits, we are currently discussing the best way to get that out to all of you interested folks, whether that be Kickstarter or some similar venue. That’s still pretty far out due the fact that we’re still heavily developing. In the meantime, though, we might have some room for beta testers if you’re interested in jumping in and getting your hands dirty. I’ll send out more details in a subsequent newsletter as we figure that all out.

Speaking of development, here’s a short list of the features and improvements we’re looking to explore in the next couple of weeks:

  • Complex paths: we want to start making things that are actually practical!

  • Sensor error robustness

  • Vacuum port addition: to make cutting less dirty and more efficient

  • Conversion to ESP32: so that we can connect to the device wirelessly

  • Integration onto a PCB

  • And more - so stay tuned :) …

Thank you!

It was so great to meet you all at Open Sauce and Maker Faire! Your enthusiasm and support has been such a great motivator over the past couple months. Keep following our journey as we start to make this little dream a reality.