Been a minute, here are some updates

Updates From Your Favorite Handheld CNC Router

Been a minute, here are some updates

fun times at Opensauce, more cutting, and beta testing!

Ok I know I have been slacking with these newsletter updates, but a lot has been going on. Lots of developments, prep for opensauce, quitting my 9-5…

Well first thing first, we now have a name for this whole venture: Compass CNC. And that comes with a shnazzy logo and website to go along with it. I’ve also started posting some more video content on the social media outlets (Instagram, Tiktok, etc.). I’ll be trying to keep those more active with quick little updates. I’ve been wanting to put together a YouTube video for a while now too, but that’s sorta been of at the bottom of my list. Let me know if you’d be interested in seeing some more long form video, though! It could be a fun thing to do.

Tech Stuff

As for the technical updates… there’s been a lot. The most obvious is the super slick, ultra high tech, LCD user interface. This allows the user to select their design and set up the device, as well as showing them where to move to stay on track. This is a game changer over the previous button based UI.

On the code side, we’ve added 3D capabilities for the path, as well as paths with multiple passes. This allows you to do multiple depth cuts, more complex designs, and even 3D contours. gCode path planning is still a little buggy, though, so we’ve been working to make that workflow from CAD to CAM to cut a lot smoother. We’ve also done some tidy work just refactoring the code to make everything a lot more clean.

Beta Testing

All that’s fun and dandy, but when can I actually try it myself? I’m glad you asked. If you want to build and mess around with a router of your own, shoot me an email! We’ll add you to the Github repo and get you set up with everything you need to build out a machine. Just keep in mind it is still in the development phase right now, so you will need a bit of technical expertise to get everything working as expected.

For all you others who don’t feel like getting into the weeds, just stay tuned! We are planning to launch handheld CNC router kits on Kickstarter at the beginning of next year.

Maker Faire!


Also we will be at the Bay Area Maker Faire October 18-20th! Come through and check out our booth for some fun demos and new tech. You will not regret it.